00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Get BETTER And FASTER Results In LESS Time!
What's Included:
  • Cardio Burner Program with Digital Access
  • ​Cardio Burner Physical Cards
  • Core Burner Program
  • Core Burner Follow Along Videos
What's Included In The Cardio-Core Bundle
The Cardio Burner Program
In my Cardio Burner program, I created cardio workouts you can do anywhere.

Whether you want to get in a quick bodyweight workout at home or when you travel or you want to include some weights at the gym to help you build strength as you blast fat, my Cardio Burner Cards have you covered.

And you can easily take these cards with you wherever you go!

I'll even teach you how to modify and work around aches and pains!

This program isn't just the workouts you need to get killer results, but also the WHY behind a proper cardio training routine.

I explain the benefits of different interval set ups and even DEBUNK the myth of the fat burning zone.

I want you to know WHY and HOW things work so you can not only get amazing results FAST but have those results LAST!
You can design 100s of different workouts using them by combining the different series in different ways.

In your deck you'll find Foam Rolling, Stretching, Activation and Cardio series you can combine in different ways to make sure you address YOUR specific needs.

To create a workout, you will select one blue card (foam rolling), one pink card (stretching), one green card (activation) and one yellow card (cardio). 

You can design a workout based on what you need that progression or day. 

If you even can't get to the gym for your usual workout, you can easily pull together cards for something at home to keep you on track and moving forward.

And if you aren't sure how to combine the series, or are nervous to design your own?

Don't worry!

I have workouts and schedules already created for you in your digital deck!

So....Are you ready to let the sweat fly and torch calories as you improve your conditioning?!

Are you ready to get in the best shape of your life and feel lean and strong!?

Then join the Cardio Burner Program TODAY!
The Core Burner Program
This program is 28 days of workouts that will help you get your core activated and working so you can bulletproof your core from injury and even run faster and lift more!

I created 10-minute core burner workouts requiring just your own bodyweight. They can be done as part of your current routine, on recovery days or even as a program on their own.

This program involves a 3 step approach: Activate, Integrate and HIIT!

Your Core Training program needs to start with Activation. Get the right muscles working!

Then when the right muscles are starting to engage and work correctly, and you've established the mind-body connection, you've got to Integrate! Start making the muscles of your core work together with moves that work your body in every plane of motion.

And to get even faster results out of your core training program, you've got to use HIIT.

Because our core includes the musculature between our shoulders and our knees down our frontside AND our backside.

And a strong core is ESSENTIAL if we want to move better and look amazing!

This program not only comes with 28 days of burner workouts but also includes the Follow Along videos.

Join TODAY And Get The Cardio Core Killer Bundle!
Just $57 (Usually $75.94)!
The email to access your program will be delivered immediately after purchase. On the next page, you'll enter your email for digital access. 
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